The health of your pet is at the heart of all we do at San Marco Animal Hospital and our team at San Marco Animal Hospital...
There are many excellent reasons besides population control to have your pet spayed or neutered. Rest assured...
Treating an illness or an injury is only a part of the wellness formula for pets. It takes a veterinarian with experience...
Our caring doctors and staff at San Marco Animal Hospital will guide you through end-of-life care, including...
Since your pet can get lost in a heartbeat, our veterinarians suggest microchipping for both cats and dogs. Did you know...
Our team enjoys seeing you and your pet. But, like you, we’d rather see your pet during non-emergent situation...
Congratulations on adding a new member to your family! Whether you are a first-time pet owner or experienced...
Dental care, like in humans, is critical to your pet’s wellness. Our team focuses on preventing dental issues that can cause...
Just like human babies, newborn cats and dogs receive antibodies from their mothers. These proteins in the blood...