Veterinary Hospital near Jacksonville, FL helps pet parents understand the benefits of pet care services

Pets bring remarkable joy to our lives. Whether you have a furry feline that snuggles on your lap while you read or a dog that can’t function without his morning walk, pets are in important part of our families. That’s why pet parents become very concerned when their pet isn’t feeling well or is facing health issues. In these cases, it is wise to seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

However, there are benefits to veterinary care services even when your pet is healthy and happy. The team at the San Marco Animal Hospital near Jacksonville, FL, helps pet owners understand why their pet needs regular checkups.

  • Animals age quickly: While we don’t like to think about it, pets have a shorter lifespan than people and they age far faster than the humans in their household. It can be hard to keep track of their different stages of life or notice signs of aging when you’re with them every day. However, a trained veterinarian can help you identify subtle changes and adapt to them, either with a change in food, daily activity, or medication, to ensure that your pet is happy and healthy at all stages of life.

  • Health conditions may be unnoticeable: Pets can’t tell us when something feels different, and many health conditions that affect animals are undetectable to their owners at the onset. With regular checkups, medical professionals can spot these issues during a physical exam and can provide early, and often less invasive, treatment.

  • Prevention is better than treatment: Many pet illnesses can be avoided. Your vet can help you determine which vaccines your pet should receive, can prescribe medication to prevent heartworm, and can recommend products to keep ticks and fleas away.

  • Routine physical exams and weight check: Monitoring your pet’s weight can be a challenge at home as it can occur slowly and may be unnoticeable to you and your family. However, many problems can arise if your pet is overweight or underweight. For example, it can increase the risk of diabetes, arthritis, and respiratory diseases. Veterinarians can track your pet’s weight, alert you if there’s a problem, and help you develop a plan to get it back on track.

  • Dental health is important for pets too: You likely don’t think about your dog or cat getting cavities or dealing with tooth decay. However, like humans, the health of your pet’s mouth can factor into his overall health and wellness. Your veterinarian can check your pet’s teeth and offer suggestions on how to clean them or foods to avoid to ensure proper dental health.

  • Get help for bad behavior: Most people don’t think about contacting the veterinarian over behavior issues until they become severe. However, even seemingly minor issues can often be resolved with professional help. Your vet can offer advice to curb barking, manage separation anxiety, jumping on visitors, or managing accidents.

Whether you’re a new pet owner or have shared most of your life with an animal at home, your veterinarian should be an important part of your team. This partnership works best when your vet can build a relationship with your pet as well. Regular vet checks provide this opportunity and can lead to better health and wellness for your pet.

San Marco Animal Hospital helps pet owners plan, and budget, for their pet’s wellness

Dr. Gutta and Dr. Sri of the San Marco Animal Hospital provide their dog and cat clients with a variety of services, including vaccines, dental exams, teeth cleaning, x-rays, and spay and neuter services. They use the latest diagnostic tools and treatment methods and have state-of-the-art in-house equipment for your convenience. Furthermore, the team is available when you need them, providing early and late day appointments, and emergency contact information.

The San Marco Animal Hospital knows that pet owners don’t want to choose between their pets and their family budgets. That’s why they offer pet wellness plans to help families budget for pet wellness care. This program offers monthly payments, savings on pet treatments, and unlimited office visits. Families can choose the option that best fits their needs and budget and rest easy knowing their pet will be cared for all year long.

For more information about the team or services at San Marco Animal Hospital, call 904-399-5557.

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