Why are Pet Vaccinations important?

At San Marco Animal Hospital, we see many patients who are interested in helping their pets live a long, happy, and healthy life. To do this, our team may recommend routine pet vaccinations. Jacksonville, Florida area pet parents are strongly encouraged to have their dogs or cats vaccinated according to a regular schedule to help protect them from disease. Our veterinarians and staff are happy to assist with educating pet parents on routine vaccinations needed to protect and maintain their pet’s quality of life.

The importance of vaccinations

Just as we vaccinate our children and ourselves from preventable conditions, we need to do the same for our pets with that exact mindset. Our veterinary team wants every pet owner to fully understand the role vaccinations play in keeping their furry companions healthy and free from disease. Vaccinations help pets avoid certain health problems that can occur during their lifespan.

How vaccinations keep your pet healthy

There are many reasons why pet owners should routinely vaccinate their furry friends. Vaccinations:

Help prevent death from health conditions that can occur Prevent the spread of certain diseases to your family members, such as rabies Keep your pet healthy, improving their overall quality of life Help pet owners avoid costly treatments for preventable illnesses Our practice offers both core and lifestyle vaccinations for cats and dogs. This includes the following:

  • Rabies
  • Distemper
  • Feline leukemia
  • Parvovirus
  • Parainfluenza
  • Bordetella (kennel cough)
  • Leptospirosis
  • FVRCP (feline combination core vaccine)

Vaccinate your pet against preventable diseases with a veterinarian “near me”

Your pet deserves the best quality of life, and one way to achieve this is by maintaining annual physical evaluations and routine pet vaccinations. The veterinarians and staff of San Marco Animal Hospital believe in offering routine vaccinations to protect pets from potential health problems down the road. Our office is located at 1546 San Marco Boulevard in Jacksonville, Florida, and accepts new and returning pets whose owners call for an appointment at 904-399-5557. We look forward to meeting you and your pet at our veterinary practice.

Make an Appointment

We understand you and your pet.