Pets in Need of Teeth Cleaning in Jacksonville, FL, Look No Further

Regular teeth cleaning is an important part of maintaining your pet’s overall oral hygiene. Like people, dogs and cats can suffer discomfort or more complex issues if their teeth aren’t cared for properly.

The expert team at San Marco Animal Hospital in Jacksonville, FL, is specially trained in preventative dental care. Your pet’s first visit to San Marco Animal Hospital should include a comprehensive dental examination, and any issues will be dealt with promptly, restoring your pet’s comfort and overall oral health. Your care team will monitor your pet’s future oral health needs at regularly scheduled check-ups. They’ll stay on top of any developing or potential problems, reducing the possibility of discomfort for your pet or additional expense to you due to dental problems.

Similar to humans, the number one cause of oral hygiene issues in pets is the bacteria that naturally occurs around the mouth and gums. If left untreated, this can lead to a number of complications, including:

  • Bleeding or puffy gums
  • Pain
  • Tooth loss
  • Diabetes
  • Heart and kidney disease
  • However, proper maintenance of your pet’s mouth is often simple and will help avoid any larger issues.

Know What to Expect from Your Pet’s Dental Cleanings

To restore the oral health of your pet, the team at San Marco Animal Hospital will use treatments similar to those you might experience at the dentist. After sedating your pet to keep them comfortable and safe throughout the procedure, your pet’s care team will use an ultra-sonic scaler to painlessly remove plaque and bacteria from your pet’s teeth, as well as any hardened tartar. Afterward, you’ll be sent home with several tools to help care for your pet’s teeth, including special treats, water additives, an at-home brushing kit, and tips on how to maintain a proper diet, all of which will help keep your pet happy and healthy for years to come.

When considering whether your pet needs to have their teeth cleaned by professionals, signs to look for include foul breath, the buildup of tartar, diminished appetite, discoloration, unusual drooling or chewing, or visible defects in your pet’s teeth (such as cracks or looseness). If you witness any of these signs or simply want an examination to confirm your pet’s overall oral health, schedule an appointment with San Marco Animal Hospital today by calling 904-399-5557.

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We understand you and your pet.