You want the best for your pet: Invest in their health and happiness … the value of neutering and spaying

At San Marco Animal Hospital, we appreciate that “cost” is an important consideration when exploring products and services for your pet. For this reason, our veterinarians and staff in Jacksonville, Florida, provide numerous payment options. These include low-cost, in-house Wellness Plans for adult dogs and cats and puppies and kittens. Additionally, we are a CareCredit® provider; financing transforms outstanding expenses into affordable monthly payments.

Lastly, our clinic encourages you and your family to consider the substantial valueyou get from preventative services, such as the spay and neuter procedure. When you view this straightforward, standard, and low-risk service through the lens of it being an investment in your pet’s long-term health and quality of life, the spaying and neutering process really is a “no-brainer.”

The communitywide benefits

We know that you and your household are great neighbors! By “fixing” your pet with the orchiectomy (“neuter”) or ovariohysterectomy(“spay”), you are doing your part to manage the population of unwanted cats and dogs in our corner of far northeastern Florida. This form of population control also helps to support a more safe, healthy, and attractive community.

Responsible pet ownership

Of course, part of being a pet owner is acknowledging the expenses that go along with services to protect your dog or cat from disease and other threats to their health and wellbeing. Spayed and neutered pets are generally happier, better socialized, and healthier over the long term than their unaltered or “intact” counterparts. Furthermore, by spaying and neutering your dogs and cats, you also support a more pleasant, healthy, and comfortable household. Relationships are generally better between the spayed and neutered dog or cat and other pets in the household, and the strongest bonds between human family members and pets are also fostered.

Here are just some of the benefits of orchiectomies and ovariohysterectomies, which reinforce the value and importance of these essential preventative procedures:

  • Neutering reduces the risk of your male dogs and cats getting loose and potentially getting hurt on the streets due to their intense natural urge or desire to mate.

  • Spaying prevents the undesirable behaviors associated with female cats and dogs “in heat.” These cycles are related to frequent, loud vocalizations and inappropriate elimination in the house or outside of the litterbox.

  • Neutering further minimizes “mounting” and other mating behaviors at the dog park or elsewhere, which may be significantly pronounced when females “in heat” are around.

  • Spaying also helps to prevent your female cat or dog from going missing and potentially coming back pregnant! Again, pets in heat may go to great lengths to get to potential mates. They may also exhibit intense anxiety, agitation, and hyperactivity.

  • Neutering addresses the aggressive nature of intact dogs and cats, who may be vulnerable to getting into serious or even life-threatening fights with other dogs.

  • Both spaying and neutering protect against serious health risks. Unspayed females are at elevated risk of developing deadly pyometrasor uterine infections, as well as cancers of the mammary glands. Unneutered males, too, are susceptible to testicular tumors and other conditions (such as prostatic hyperplasiaor enlarged prostate).

We know you only want the best for your pet. So, call us today at 904-399-5557 with questions and to schedule an appointment with one of our talented and kind veterinarians. Our hospital is conveniently located on San Marco Boulevard in Jacksonville, FL.

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