Get your kitten’s health journey off on the right paw with quality veterinary care

Congratulations on the addition to your family! “Kittenhood” is a magical yet pivotal time in your fur-baby’s life. At San Marco Animal Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, we partner with clients to assure their new kitten gets off to the best start possible with proactive services and quality veterinary care.

Kittenhood, defined

Cats are only kittens until the age of one, according to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). From there, kittens mature into adolescents and eventually reach maturity at age seven. One of the best things to ensure a transition from healthy kitten to healthy adolescent is to get your frisky feline spayed or neutered!

Not only is this the responsible thing to do as a pet owner, good neighbor, and community steward, but these commonplace surgical procedures also play a preventive role in reducing or eliminating the risk of certain reproductive cancers. Furthermore, these procedures help support a stress-free and comfortable introduction of your kitten to the household. Altered cats are also less likely to exhibit undesirable behaviors, such as loud and persistent vocalizations, attempts at escaping, aggression, and urinating outside of their litterboxes.

At this stage of life, our veterinarians may discuss potential congenital or genetic concerns. We want to “get ahead” of potential issues as much as possible and control what we can. Awareness of risks or threats is the first step toward identifying red flags and addressing them promptly and efficiently. We will also partner with you in other areas pivotal to proper feline development, including:

  • Nutritional needs and weight control – Types and quantities of foods and the frequency of feedings (now is the time to acquaint kittens with varied flavors, textures, and stimulating “food-foraging” puzzles and games.

  • Behavioral and environmental considerations – Socializing kittens properly with other people (and other pets) and getting them used to healthy habits, such as nail trims, grooming, brushing, and handling.

  • Litter box hygiene – Discussing “what’s normal” when it comes to elimination-related behaviors and suggestions for good litter products, box set-ups, and cleaning.

  • Oral care – Don’t miss the opportunity to get your cat comfortable with brushing and wiping their teeth when they are still young and not “set in their ways.”

  • Transmissible diseases – “Core vaccines” include those to protect kittens from FCV (Feline CalciVirus), FHV-1 (Feline HerpesVirus), FPV (Feline ParvoVirus), and rabies.

It is just the start of getting your cat into a healthy routine characterized by year-round broad-spectrum parasitic preventives, testing, and control measures to guard against life-altering infectious diseases. What you do now for your little kitten sets the stage for a disease-free and happy adulthood. Call 904-399-5557 to schedule an appointment at our Jacksonville office, and be sure to ask about our in-house wellness plan specifically designed for kittens!

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