Benefits and cost of cat or dog neutering/spaying explained by Jacksonville, Florida

When you think of reasons for spaying or neutering your cat or dog, pet population control is probably the number one reason that comes to mind. But did you know that it also has other benefits for your pet? At San Marco Animal Hospital, we provide comfortable spaying and neutering services for pets in the Jacksonville, Florida area. Read on to learn more about the benefits of the procedure and the factors that determine the cost.

Benefits of spaying and neutering: more than just population control

Spaying or neutering your pet is a safe procedure for dogs and cats that are eight weeks or older and weigh at least two pounds. In addition to avoiding unwanted puppies or kittens, the procedure offers several benefits for your pet:

  • It can increase how long your pet lives by up to 23%
  • It helps reduce or eliminate the risk of certain types of cancers
  • It reduces aggressive behavior
  • It reduces marking behaviors
  • It decreases a pet’s propensity to roam, which in turn can reduce the risk of becoming lost or hit by a car
  • It eliminates the stress and veterinary costs associated with emergencies related to pregnancy, labor, and delivery (in female pets), as well as car accidents or other injuries due to roaming

Factors that determine the cost of spaying and neutering

The cost of spaying or neutering your pet depends on a variety of factors, including:

  • Whether it is a cat or dog
  • The pet’s age
  • The pet’s breed
  • The size of your pet
  • Whether your pet has any pre-existing medical conditions

Additionally, it is important to obtain a physical exam for your pet before the surgery to ensure that it is healthy enough to undergo the procedure. At San Marco Animal Hospital, your pet rests comfortably on a heated pad while we perform the procedure, and they will be intubated, and under general anesthesia, so they are completely pain-free during surgery. We continuously monitor their vital signs for safety throughout the procedure, typically taking 30 minutes for males and an hour for females.

To schedule your pet’s spaying or neutering, call San Marco Animal Hospital today at 904-399-5557!

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