Affordable, low-cost animal vaccination services available for Jacksonville, FL area pets

Jacksonville, FL area vet office, San Marco Animal Hospital, provides a wide range of veterinarian services for cats and dogs. Animal vaccinations are just the start of a preventive healthcare routine for your pet. Vaccines are a low-cost, proactive way to prevent common diseases that can impact your furry family member. Dr. Venkat Gutta and his team want every pet owner to fully understand the importance of vaccinating their pet. Vaccinations, sometimes called inoculations or immunizations, are injectables given on a routine basis to cats and dogs to prevent the spread of diseases such as rabies.

Why are vaccinations important?

Vaccinations are used to prevent the death of millions of cats and dogs over the years by inoculating them against common, spreadable, and preventable animal illnesses. Many of these conditions are not only easily avoided with immunizations but can help pet parents avoid costly treatments down the road from a condition that could have been prevented entirely.

What type of vaccinations are encouraged?

First off, there are some city and state laws that may require pet owners to have their pets vaccinated against certain diseases, such as rabies, for not only the pet’s safety but the community’s. Many vaccinations offered also provide protection against conditions that can be spread from wildlife, including distemper. By vaccinating a pet against these common diseases, it reduces one’s risk of contracting and therefore keeps everyone safe and healthy.

How often does my pet need vaccinations?

The team at San Marco Animal Hospital can advise pet owners of the timetable for getting preventive inoculations. During your first appointment with Dr. Venkat Gutta, the team will advise you as to when your pet is due for upcoming vaccinations.

What vaccines does my pet need?

Immunizations vary between dogs and cats, though some are similar.

Dog vaccinations recommended:

  • Rabies
  • Distemper
  • Adenovirus Type 2
  • Parvovirus
  • Parainfluenza
  • Corona
  • Bordetella
  • Leptospirosis
  • Rattlesnake
  • Influenza H3N2

Cat vaccinations recommended:

  • Rabies
  • Feline combination core vaccine
  • Feline leukemia

Getting your new puppy or kitten off to a healthy start

The team at San Marco Animal Hospital loves seeing your new furry family members. If you have recently obtained a new pet, you must get started providing the best vaccinations when they are ready. Pet owners can call our practice as soon as their new family member arrives to book their well-visit with our team. During this appointment, vaccinations are discussed as well as recommendations for proper diet and exercise to build a healthy foundation for your pet’s first year of life.

Is your pet in need of immunizations?

Vaccinating your pet is one of the most proactive ways in which a pet parent can ensure their dog or cat leads a long and healthy life by vaccinating against preventive diseases. If your pet is overdue for immunization, or you just welcomed a new puppy or kitten into your home, we invite you to book an appointment with the team at San Marco Animal Hospital in Jacksonville, FL. Call 904-399-5557 and visit the office at 1546 San Marco Boulevard. Dr. Venkat Gutta and his team are here to help you extend your pet’s life with preventive care.

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We understand you and your pet.